Can What We Choose to Plant Help Reduce Greenhouse Gases?

Los Angeles Wildfire

Much of the country has watched in horror during the last couple of weeks as fire consumed wide swathes of the Los Angeles area. The fires, whether natural or the result of arson, have been hard to get under control due to the dry conditions that act as an accelerant This horrible tragedy is but another example of extreme weather that people all over the U:S are experiencing and it serve as a painful reminder that global warming can have disastrous effects.

For those of us who work every day with plants and trees, we can’t help but
think about these impacts all the time. One question that we often get from our clients at Woodlawn Landscaping is, “Can what I plant in my own yard help to reduce the effects of global warming?” And the short answer is “Yes, it can”. First of all, planting almost any type of plant or tree is one way to combat global warming. This is because plants reduce greenhouse gases by capturing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, then by storing the carbon in biomass and soil. So, any type of planting is a positive in the fight against global warming. But often people are curious about whether there are specific plants and trees that are better suited to helping reduce greenhouse gases? Again, the answer is yes.

Of course, that’s not to say that shrubs and perennials can’t help in the carbon fight too. Lilac (Syringa) is not only lovely to look at, but is, as it turns out, great at carbon absorption. Another esthetically pleasing choice is the hydrangea (Hydrangea), which is both relatively low maintenance and good at gathering up carbon. Bamboo is yet another example of a plant that is very efficient at carbon collection and storage. In addition, grasses and ground cover are important not to forget. Native prairie grasses such as Gig Bluestem or Switchgrass have deep root systems that can store carbon underground. Even clover is great for storing carbon, and has the added benefit of helping to prevent erosion and runoff.

Overall, trees are the most effective at capturing and storing carbon because of their size, lifespan, and extensive root systems. For example, deciduous trees such as oak (Quercus), maple (Acer) and beech (Fagus) are trees that can lock in a good deal of carbon due to their long lifespans and/or fast-growing character. Evergreens such as pine (Pinus), spruce (Picea) and cedar (Cedrus) are also good choices because they are fast-growing, good in colder climates and grow year-round (all the while absorbing carbon while they grow).
These are but a few examples of ways that landscapers and their clients can help our environment. As a rule, it is always good to remember to choose native species and incorporate a wide variety of plants and trees in your planning process.